Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I've Been Tagged

So I was husband tagged by Melissa!! Hehe. So here you go!!
What is his name? Kade W. Church (He's very specific about the "W")
How long did you date? If you include the engagement then about 10 months
How long have you been married? It will be 3 years in June
Who eats more sweets? Kade definately!!! That boy loves his ice cream!!
Who said I love you first? Kade
Who is taller? Kade
Who is the better singer? Um it all depends. If we are in church then we both are pretty good I guess, but when Kade is in the shower, he can sing some serious opera!! Or Jack Johnson, just depends on his mood!!!! But probabley Kade is the better singer!
Who is smarter? Hello!! I am!!!! (never admit that your husband is smarter!!) J/K :)
Who does the laundry? Me me and yes me!! But only because Kade works a lot-I have to admit when he is here he helps me a lot!! And he loves a clean house!!
Who pays the bills? Both but mostly Kade
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? ME
Who mows the lawn? HOA (We dont have any backyard lawn-its all cement)
Who cooks dinner? Mostly me. I am lucky though-Kade does like to cook, and he can make a mean steak and halibut dinner!!
Who drives? Kade, but he really shouldnt. My life is in danger everytime he is behind the wheel.
Who is more stubborn? O, definately me!! Kade is practically perfect in this area!!
Who kissed who first? Kade kissed me. :)
Who asked who out? Kade asked me out-Im definately not one to chase the boys.
Who proposed? Kade
Who is more sensitive? Me-by far
Who has more siblings? Kade
Who wears the pants? ME
Im tagging whoever wants to be tagged!! hehe. It really is kinda fun to think about all these things............so come on and give it a try!!!

1 comment:

Tricia said...

I love it! It's so fun to learn new things about you guys. (And it's so funny that he sings opera in the shower! Gordon does the same thing!)