Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A Little Miracle!!!

I am sooooo excited!!!.................My sister had her baby!!! She had him yesterday, on St. Patricks Day! He's such a sweet little boy. They are naming him Stetson. I was able to be there with her before and after she had him. She had a c-section so the surgery was only like 30 minutes. Im just so amazed that a baby can come into the world so fast. And they are truly little miracles from God. They make everyone so much closer together because they bring so much love into our lives. He is so soft and cudley!!
I was trying to think of a good way to describe what a baby looks like and I came up with "Brand New Old Men". They are kinda wrinkly like a old person but in a new kind of way.
Holding Stetson just made me soooo excited for having my own little baby someday!! What a sweet precious little baby!!


Lacey Lou said...

Isn't he just the cutest thing ever?!

Tricia said...

So, so adorable!! And that really is the perfect way to describe a new baby! :) You look so at home holding him too! We can't wait till you guys have your own "cute little nugget"!! What great parents you'll both be! :)

Ben and Darci said...

Oh my gosh he is sooooooo cute. I can't wait to see the little wrinkly cutie. It only takes a little time until they fill out and then those wrinkles become rolls!

Meags said...

PRECIOUS! i love new babies! he is so so cute! i love all your latest posts! and i love your new painting ... i just LOVE everything! so i decided to paint my downstairs bathroom a mustard yellow and have white bead board .... but after your friends baby poo comment, i am a little scared!:)