Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Just a Little Hike in the Woods!

So heres a story for ya. These pictures were taken back in the late fall AFTER the hunt. We decided that we would hike up on the mountain and take our video camera to catch some bugling elk footage. Or to capture some really good pictures......whatever we could get. So Kade and I , and our niece Cassidy get up early and go trapesing down through the trees at about, Oh 8:00 am or so. (The top picture) The hike was going well, we had heard some bugling going on and of corse it was coming from the bottom of the canyon. So thats were we went. We get down there and can't see any elk and all of a sudden, I swear, a cloud just covered the beautiful shining sun and started to snow!!! I was so amazed!!! Completely amazed that there could be a cloudcover and a white out all at once!!!! Those mountains really are surprising!! The second picture is at about noon. Thats how fast the snow fell. Well needless to say, we did not get our Oh so amazing elk footage, but we did get wet, cold, and tired. Ok and maybe some hot chocolate as soon as we got down the canyon :) It was all worth it!!!!!


Ryan, Melissa, and Family said...

Wahooo a normal picture of Kade...LOL!! You guys have got to be the cutest couple! I love the updates they keep me entertained...:)

Tricia said...

Look at all that camo! Now I see why you purchased that little sweatshirt the other day... ;) I was telling Kade that if our kid comes out wanting to hunt, we're gonna to have to ship him/her down to Fairview to hang with you guys!! Love the pics though! You guys are SO cute!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad I ended up with a basketball coach, not a hunter. That just doesn't look like fun. Probably because I spent my whole childhood hiking in the mountains. You guys are so cute!

Ryan, Melissa, and Family said...

P.S....I husband tagged you! In case you didn't notice that on my blog:):)HAVE FUN!

Meags said...

cute pics! LOVE the CAMO! someday we will go listen to elks bugling ....

Emilee said...

You are such a trooper. I hate hiking! Its good Kade has you to go with him. Cute pics!

Jenilyn Anderson said...

That looks like so much fun guys! You two look like you have a blast together!