Friday, May 18, 2012

Never Give UP!!

Well, this post doesn't have any pictures, but I wanted to share some things that have been on my mind lately.  I have thought a lot about people in general, and how they don't give themselves enough credit in life!  And I guess what I mean is, people don't realize that they can do amazing things or they don't realize their full potential.  We as human beings have the ability to do whatever we want in life.  Kade and I were talking about the best of athletes and why they are the best.  He said, that they push themselves.  We talked about what pushing yourself means to an athlete.  When an athlete is in the middle of a competition, if he is a wrestler, a runner, or whatever it may be, he/she will try so hard that only colapsing on the ground will stop them from finishing what they have set out to do.  We have so much more mental power than what we even comprehend.  When you compare this to enduring life, sometimes physically colapsing would be the easy way out if thats all we had to do, but enduring our trials mentally is the true endurance test.  I think about what a privledge life really is.  Its a privledge to be here on the earth and enjoy this beautiful place and we get to learn from trials and experiences that we have.  They mold and shape us.  Did we think that we would come here to earth and not have any trials to go through.  Did we think that we could sign up for a specific life plan that would go as follows, maybe all good, and no bad!!??   No one has come here with the privledge of picking their trials in life.  We all get dealt a different hand, some of us may have a health problem or a family issue, and others have something completely different, but WE CHOOSE what our life will be like according to the attitude that we have! I see people give up, because they don't realize their full potential.  I see people defeated before they've even started!  I also see people with amazing attitudes who inspire me everyday and people who have changed my life just by the way that they choose to live theirs!  I also see people who quietly endure without complaining and I see people whos hearts have been shattered by some things that have come their way, all are very dear examples to me.  Its so important that we live our lives with confidence, and humility and put any pride or arrogance aside.  And its important that we look to the future with hope and faith and that we LOVE others unconditionally and help them realize their full potential in life!  Never give up and KNOW THAT YOU CAN DO ANYTHING!


The Churchs said...

Good post:) I have a feeling some of it might be related to our discussion we had the other night, those people need to read this! haha. Love you guys!

AmbertheGreat said...

awesome!! thanks for sharing this, just what I needed to hear today