Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Memorial Day

 I just wanted to say Happy Memorial Day to all!  I am extremely blessed in my life! I have so many blessings that counting them would be an absolutely impossible task! I'm so greatful to have grown up in a home where I learned about the reality of war and what it can do to families.  I'm grateful to have had a family that only let those ifluences strengthen us! We learned respect for others and for our country! And we ALWAYS took our hats off and put our hands over our hearts when the flags where present.  We are proud of our country and what it stands for! And we are deeply grateful for those who have served and lost their lives!  They will never be forgotten! They will always have a special place in our hearts, and their ulitimate sacrifice of life itself will always stand as a testimony of their character of willingness!  We are grateful for those who have served and returned home safely, and for the lives that they are living now and the influence they have on all of us.  Not many can comprehend what living a post war life is like for those who will always remember the things that took place.  Thank you to those who have served! And especially my amazing DAD! I'm SO grateful for his example to me of sacrifice.   We also are grateful for those who now serve, and pray for you and your families that you will be safe and protected from harms way and that when that special day comes that you get to come home to your loved ones, that you will arrive in safety! 
 I love Memorial Day!  Its one of those days that I remember as a kid, and even later in years, of going out to the cemetary and putting flowers on my grandma and grandpa Croslands grave's.  And now in more recent years, my grandma and grandpa Cook have also joined them and are in the same cemetary.  I also remember my mom talking to me about the proper places to stand at the cemetary because she wanted me to be very respectful while we were visiting the graves.  I remember we would talk about the good memories that we had of my grandparents when they were here with us, and how we know that we will see them again and what that reunion will be like.  I'm grateful for those early memories as a child, of learning respect for those who have passed on, but also to remember their wonderful lives that they lived and to try and be like them and always honor their name by our actions.
I love this picture so much, because you all know how much I love horses!  And............I love our flag! So this is a perfect picture!  Someone had posted it on FB and I loved it so much that I saved it. The job that Kade and I are currently doing doesnt allow me to be home on Memorial Day but I will always have those memories.  Something else that always makes Memorial Day super special is the 21 gun sallute that they do at the cemetary every year.  I love to see the men in thier uniforms for such a special occasion and watch the flag be raised! I love that all the people watching are standing, united, together with their hands on their heart! And one of the best things about the whole day, is when the taps are played! I always get goose bumps when I hear that tune! I hope we can all take a moment today and remember those special people in our lives and I hope you all have a very Happy Memorial Day!  

1 comment:

Kirby said...

I love your patriotic bowing horse photo, and have already seen it on the internet. If you're willing to share, would it be a great nuisance to make it larger? Some of us (me, for example!) would like to use it as personal computer wallpaper on national holidays or as a FB profile pic -- not commercially. Just a thought. Is that your own horse, BTW? Happy Memorial Day from Asheville, NC.