Friday, May 4, 2012

College Cove

 Time is actually going by pretty fast! I can't believe we have been out here almost a month now! That seems crazy.  I'm thankful to be working in the office for our company, because that takes up a lot of time and its nice to be in on the office fun!  I've been wanting to post these pics for a few days now, but it feels like this has been my only chance.  This past Sunday we went and visited College Cove, its actually just north of Trinidad, where we went two Sunday's ago.  I love College Cove a lot because its very secluded and not a lot of people are here, probably because of the cliffs that you have to climb down to get to the beach :)  Which, I'm totally OK with! The pic above is from the cliff that we were on (Redwood forests) looking out to the north. 
 Same cliff :)  Off to the side of me, it was litterally straight down! Probabley at least 100 feet. 
 This was a really fun rock that we climbed up on (the right side) and had a great angle of the beach and ocean, sort of a birds eye view, all angle view.

 This was up on top of that huge rock that we climbed on.  I love these flowers that just grow in the rocks. Cliff flowers :)
 This was up on the rock looking over towards Trinidad.  This is where we sat for a long time and listened to the waves crash on the rocks.  A nice Sunday afternoon activity.
 I think the star fish are so cool, I know I take a lot of pics of them but I just love how colorful and unique they are!
 Can't forget the purple guy
 The rock straight ahead is the one that we climbed up on to watch the waves. I love how flat the beach is so that the water kinda just runs all over it.
 Kade buggers :)  The mountain behind Kade doesnt look that big but......its big, and thats the one that we climbed down to get to the beach.  I felt like I was on the elk hunt with the Church boys again.......never know where they are gonna take ya! 
Just another view from our climb.  Hope I'm not posting too many scenic pics.  I just have a hard time picking which ones I want to post, so, they all end up on here! :)  Oh well!  Hope you all like them!  We love and miss everyone! Hope all is well with everyone, wherever in the world you may be!!!


Sarah said...

You never post too many scenic pics. I LOVE looking at all the places you go and dreaming of the day Jeremy and I go there....

Nancy said...

This is how I would want the world to look. I love all the photos!! We'll see you guys in a few days!