Friday, May 28, 2010

My Turtle

Okay, I HAD this turtle friend in my spare bathroom tub for a week. I love turtles, and we had the missionaries over for Sunday dinner last week and they happened to have a turtle in the van that they were driving! They had picked it up off the road, and had had it for their pet for a couple days, and then were going to set it loose after dinner with us. So I told them I really really wanted some pictures of it, and they said, "Well, you can just have it if you want!" So I was like, "Um sure!!!" Kade told me to keep it for a little while and have fun with it. So that's what I did! I kept it in the spare bathroom tub for about 5 days! (Which was kinda gross, not going to lie). But it was fun to go in there and see what he was doing. I even bought him some pet store minnows that he would not eat! I guess he was kind of on strike! He was kinda mad at the end of his stay with us, he tried biting Kade, I think he missed his family!! Oh, and Kade named him Michaelangelo from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Of Course!!! LOL. So, today, Friday, on our way to the gym this morning, we let him loose :( And boy, did he bolt like lightning when he saw the pond!

Goodbye Michealangelo!

Right about this point, he darted like you wouldn't believe! He was so ready to be back in that pond!

I think I'm a little crazy for keeping a turtle in my tub! Oh well! It was fun! And now I can pull out the bleach baby!


Stephanie Lyn :) said...

dude!! I LOVE it!! I would totally do that too. haha! :)

Tricia said...

Go little turtle! Be free! :) That's awesome that you had a little pet for a few days. I still can't get over that little baby turtle we saw totally mashed when we went to the Old Mill though. I'm glad the missionaries rescued your turtle from the same fate!!

Kara Kaufman said...

"Turtle, turtle"! I love looking at your blog and seeing you guys in my neck of the woods. I loved the pic of Kade's hair and the animal pictures. You are a great photographer.

Lacey Lou said...

MICHELANGELO!!! HA HA HA! Of course Kade would choose the craziest Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle! LOL! What a fun pet!