Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Funny Story!

Okay, sorry that this picture is not very clear, but, at least you can see the craziness! So, I was making Kade's breakfast this morning as he was showering. He got out, put his cloths on, and his hat. He then was on the computer for a minute checking his business emails. I told him that his breakfast was ready so he came and sat at the table and took his hat off. He had no idea that his hair looked like this! I just started to laugh! He said, "What??" I said, "Just go look in the mirror, hurry, just go look!" So he did and I could hear him laughing from the other room! It was pretty good! Gotta love what the hat can do for the hair! Hey..........thats not a bad idea for me!!! :) hehe!


Ben and Darci said...

Gosh when I first saw the picture I thought you had gone nuts with the buzzer, or maybe did it to his hair while he was sleeping because you were mad at him. That is a very professional look!

Adam Jesen said...

hahahaha.....That is to funny!! Adam's hair does some crazy things too when he wears a hat. When I first looked at the pic, I thought you put tons of hairspray on his hair. lol Lets hope he washed it again before he went on for the rest of the day. Or, at least put his hat back on! :)

Lacey Lou said...

Please tell me he kept his hair like that for the rest of the day!!!! LOVE IT!