Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I've Been Tagged Again!!!

1.What is your most embarrassing moment? I have MANY embarrassing moments but this particular one was when I was young. I was in elementary school and I was sitting there in class misbehaving. Well, I guess the whole class was not being very nice. Anyways the teacher went to leave the room after she had just scholded us. I heard the door shut and just assumed she was gone. So being the little bratt I was.......and not thinking, I just turned and made a face at what I thought was the door, to spite my teacher. Well to my surprise, she was still standing there and saw the lovely face that I made at her. Ya I got taken out of class and got my butt kicked:)
2.What is something that you think about and laugh at every time? One thing came to mind immediatly when I read this question. Around Christmas time, we had a little party with some friends in the townhomes. Well one of our friends went upstairs to use the bathroom. Ok, so we have this soap dispenser that shoots soap at you EVERY time. So we (Kade and I) have learned to cup our hands around the spout of the soap dispenser so we dont get shot and have to go change our cloths. Well poor Justin, didnt know that little bit of information so he shot himself and wondered why there was no soap in his hands, he shot himself again, and again before he realized that he had soap all over himself!! When we saw him coming down the stairs, he just said, "Your soap dispenser squirted me"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Sorry Justin if you read this!!!!!)
3. What is your favorite season and why? I have to say Spring time!! I absolutely love all the new flowers and the new life that is coming into the world!!
4.Who is your hero? I have many heros, of corse my husband is one. But I've always looked up to my dad and viewed him as my hero growing up. He is the one I did everything with. I didnt spend much time indoors, it was always out riding horses with my dad. He served in the vietnam war and I admire him so much for the things he went through and the person he is today!!
5.What have you learned throughout your life that you would share as advice for others? The major lesson that I have learned in my life thus far, would be, enjoy every moment of your life, cause one day your life will be gone, and you will wonder where it all went to. You will either wish you had done or said certain things or you'll look back and be satisfied with how your life was lived. Tell your family and friends how much you love and care about them!! Life is soooo precious and so short!!
6.What is your favorite goofy thing that your spouse does which makes you fall in love all over again? Kade always makes funny faces as you all know!! And I love that about him, but one time, I was sad or upset about something and he told me that if I would cheer up, he would let me tickle him for a whole minute!!! I was INSTANTLY happy. Because we all know that Kade is a big boy-and its impossible to "get him back" after a tickle match!! So he just laid there while I tickled him!!! He had to have a few little breaks in between the minute:)
7.What is your favorite book(s) of all time? Well Im not much of a reader but when I read, I love reading about self improvement, positive thinking-stuff like that. And I love reading about health and nutrition.
8.What is one of your pet peeves? If I sleep in to late!! I hate feeling lazy and thats how I feel when I sleep in!!
9. Where has been your favorite place to travel and why? Well I havent traveled a whole lot in my life but we do go on the mountain every year to the Cook reunion and that is a blast!!! I always look forward to it! I love the mountains!!!
10. Add a question of your own!
(Melissa's question) What is one of your Favorite Movies? I think one of my all time favorite movies is Charly. Ya Im a chick flick kinda girl!
(My Question) What is one of your biggest accomplishments in your life? I think my biggest accomplishment is getting sealed together in the Manti temple. Im so thankful that we can be together forever!! And being with Kade is such a blessing.


Tricia said...

Great post Ciara! I loved all of you answers and the insites I got into the things that you love. I seriously laughed when I read your most embarassing moment! I just can't picture you doing that! HILARIOUS!! :)

Ben and Darci said...

You and Kade are so cute! I look up to you because you are so mature and....funny, and nice, and cute, and FUN!!!!!

Ryan, Melissa, and Family said...

That thing about the soap dispenser...OH MY GOSH!!! I was busting up imagining that...LOL!! That is hilarious hehehe:) And I understand the whole sleeping in thing...I can't stand it either I hate that lazy feeling!

Oliver Family said...

I love the story of the and teacher. The word that would come into my mind would be " SCARY" if that every happened to me. I also like the one with the soap dispenser. ( sounds like somthing I would do)HEHEHe!!!!!!!! Great job on your blog I love it too! ( Like everybody else)

Donny and Camie said...

that was so naughty girl!!!! Guess Kade isn't the only one who makes faces! ;)...I love you and am so glad Kade married you!

Jenilyn Anderson said...

I laughed out loud twice on your answers! You are so funny! I forgot about the soap dispenser thing and I just couldn't stop laughing! We need to hurry and plan a girls outing before I have this baby!

Rye said...

You are hilarious!! Your blog is always filled with funny things. Its deffinetely never boring to read! haha

Tricia said...

Love the new background! It totally makes me want to go camping!

Ryan, Melissa, and Family said...

Hey...I love your new background! It makes me want to be there...SO PRETTY! I Love the footprints in the sand song...I have never heard it before, but it is very touching:):)