Friday, April 26, 2013

First Sunday Adventure (continued)

 So I know your probably wondering why on earth we have pictures of graves!  Well....We have always wanted to go to a Civil War cemetery, and we know there is a lot of history out here and since the wind put a nice damper on our beach day, I mean, I guess we could've stayed and ate the sand that was blowing in our mouths as we talked but we opted to NOT do that!  So we decided to visit this place....
 I know its a cemetery...but it was THEEE prettiest cemetery I've seen!!!  The cemetery was so neat, there were different little sections all over with differnent kinds of people in each section.  They had a place for the Greeks, Chinese, Civil War, Catholic, etc.  Very interesting.  They had sepulchre tombs that you'll see as you scroll down more. 
 This was the civil war part.  Lots and lots of headstones dating back to the early 1800's.

 I loved this tree!
 This was a view from the cemetery of the bridge here in North Charlston.
 We got to peek inside....I was kinda hesitant but....I was ok! :)
 This one was so cool.  A pyramid????!
 It even had a stained glass window in it that you can see through the doorway. 
There was so many beautiful trees, so much greenery, ponds all over, bridges that crossed the ponds from one place to the other.  Never seen a cemetery like it in my LIFE!


Sanpeters said...

That looks like an awesome place! What a fun Sunday outing!

Nancy said...

I can't wait to hang out and for you to tell me about all these places when we get out there! That looks like a really interesting place. So much history. I love the photos you are posting too. Too cool. How are you editing them these days? The effects on them are awesome! Have you found a good family photo spot yet??