Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Vegas Baby!!!!!!!

Us at the Bellagio in Vegas.
Me and the treeeee heheheeeeeee!
Sam and his new Fiance!!! (Its official!!!!!!!!!!!)
They are so cute together!!

Wow, I have a lot to post so get ready!!! I'll try not to make this to long to read:) So over the weekend we took a trip to Las Vegas. Some of our friends in our ward invited us to go so we gladly accepted!!!! And also, my brother and his girlfriend had been wanting to go so it worked out perfect for them to go with us. Kade and I were able to attend the temple in Vegas on Sat morning!!! It was beautiful/amazing!!! Thats temple is one of my new favorites!!!!

During the weekend, on Friday evening, my brother Sam also purposed to Stacia!!!!!!!!!! So now for the rest of my post I will stop calling her his girlfriend!!!! WAHOOOOOOOOO!!! He purposed on the Gondola ride at the Venetian hotel!! It was so cute!! Im so happy for them both!! She is an amazing woman and we are so fortunate to have her become a part of our family!! WE LOVE YOU STACIA!!!

Saturday we met up with the rest of the bunch and hung out. We all went to the hot tub and laughed our butts off at Randy and Shawn because they climbed in these bowls were the water flows into the hot tubs. You couldnt see there swim shorts so they both looked like they were naked!! hehe! It was hillarious. And we had breakfast with them the next morning which was a bunch of laughs as well. They are a great group of friends.

So then Sunday evening, we went to some red rock canyons with Stacias cousin and her husband. He is a photographer who is amazing so he took our pictures while we were there. It was a beautiful place!!! They were very nice people!!




Vegas is always fun-for a couple days and then I'm ready to come back home. Congrats Sam!

Anonymous said...

AAAAWWWW!!! Tell Sam congrats for me! That is such a romantic way to purpose. They are such a cute couple.

Stacy and Justin said...

You look beautiful in the pictures, and Sam and Stacia look so cute together. When is the big day?

Unknown said...

Yeah!! I'm so excited for Sam and Stacia. They both hit the jackpot! Thanks for letting me visit your blog so I can keep up on Stacia ;) Now we need to get her blogging!

Ryan, Melissa, and Family said...

That sounds like a good time! It makes me realize I need a little getaway to vegas:) Congrats to your brother & his new Fiance...How Exciting!!

Jamie said...

Looks like so much fun. Give Sam and Stacia congrats. I love your cross-eyed picture! LOL