Saturday, June 13, 2009

Where Did That Come From!!!?

Rain Rain Rain! Oh my gosh! Today Kade and I were at Costco getting some groceries and when we went in the store, it was kinda cloudy but the sun was shining. We were probably in there for 30 minutes or so. When we came out, it was just lightly sprinkling. We looked up and saw a huge dark rain cloud and within about 10 seconds, it started to down pour like no other! We took a mad dash to our car! We had to still load all of our groceries into the trunk, so we were both just scrambling to get the wet groceries into the trunk, all the while we were laughing our heads off! I had just got ready for the day, showered and straitended my hair..............not for long! My hair has natural curl and it was soaked!!! Kade yelled to get in the car so I wouldnt get more wet, but I felt bad making him run around in the rain, so I helped get most of the groceries in the trunk, then I climbed in the car, while he ran the cart back. When he got in the car, I just laughed so hard! It looked like we both had jumped in a swimming pool! Kade had water running off his nose and face! Wow! That made for an interesting grocery shopping trip! hehe!



It was crazy! I haven't seen rain like that in so long. We were just leaving the Orem Summerfest and seriously as soon as we got the kids in the car it started massively down pouring. It was so hard and loud and we couldn't even hardly see the street cause there was so much water. We purposely drove through big puddles to make waves on the way home. Crazy!

Ben and Darci said...

Yes, it was a strange weather day! I just kept thinking about the poor people who had planned outdoor receptions for today. I wish I could have seen you and Kade scrambling. What do you want to bet there was some poor old lady in the parking lot also scrambling, and she probably looked like a drowned rat by the time she climbed into her car. Now THAT would be funny to see.

Jenilyn Anderson said...

I couldn't believe that rain! We were at Lowes when that happened, but luckily we were in there until it was over. I don't think the kids would have liked getting that wet! You are so cute Ciara! I love how you helped out with the groceries even though Kade told you to get in the car. You guys are such a cute couple and I love looking at your blog!

Oliver Family said...

Its funny because I can just see you guys loading the groceries as fast as you can all the while laughing! It reminds me of hunting with you guys in the mountains nice sunny morning and just when we are at the BOTTOM of the moutian it starts snowing! Despite getting wet, and cold, and the idea of not finding the car that was a fun hunting

Ryan, Melissa, and Family said...

That is so funny...I can see it now LOL! That was a such a crazy storm!! I was in Walmart and Ryan was waiting out in the car with the kids and he called me and was like...umm ya you may want to wait a minute before you come out or you will be soaked...It just came right out of nowhere!

Emilee said...

well the title of your post reminded me of what Cambree said one day while we were driving. It started to rain suddenly and she said, "where the hell did that rain come from" I about died. Anyway, sounds like a fun trip, sometimes that is just fun.