Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Updates with the Church's

I think its been over a month since I've posted, but life has been so crazy for us! We have been moving into a house but the house needed some major updates before we could move in so we were working on the updates for quite a while, over a month straight! I will definately have to post some before and after pics! But the pic above is the living room/dining area, and of course still not finished:) And the white stuff that you can see stuck to the door....ya that is snow! This is in the church parking lot, they had to start piling the snow up in the middle because there was no where else to put it!

And this was one of the many snow piles around town that are gigantic! Yes there is a tree behind the snow pile!

This was a guys truck and trailer that had been burried with the snow! Crazy!

This is our new house! And thats our Christmas tree outside. Kade thougt he would make it look like it was growing out of the ground to get out of taking it to the dump:)

We had a wonderful Christmas as always, and we got a little crazy! My mom gave all the girls these cute scarves and one thing led to another............and we decided that we looked like some of the ten virgins! :) And then we decided to throw my dad in there to spice things up a bit.....Hmmm:) LOL

We had to get a pic by the ten virgin pics just to show how real we looked!
And there is Kade plowing snow, plowing snow, and plowing snow! Literally he did plow snow all day that day! It just kept coming!

We had been working on the house so much and thought there was no way that we would be in by Christmas but a miracle happend and we decorated our tree Christmas EVE! And that was our first night in our new home! I have to thank everyone who helped us! There is no way we could have done it without our families and friends! We feel so loved by eveyone! THANKYOU! We LOVE you!


Kailee Joy said...

I need to come over and see it... I didn't see it before but, it looks great! I'm sure your so excited to be in. Congrats on the house. :)

Anonymous said...

I love love love your house. You did such a great job! I need to pay you a visit down there. And we need to make up for our few too many attempts to the temple. lol rotten snow...

AmbertheGreat said...

YEAH!!! Your house is gorgeous I love it and I am so excited for you guys I only wish the house was back in our neighborhood :) Looks like you had a great Christmas - we need to get together some time!

Ben and Darci said...

I am sincerely SO happy that you are in a home of your very own, and one that doesn't share walls with ANYONE!!! That's the best. I can't wait to come see it!
Wind In Her Pants
(ask Kade)

Meags said...

hey! congrats on your HOUSE! how exciting and awesome for you two! ... some day we will have one too:) i am sure you are having a blast decorating it!

looks like you all had a fun christmas too! love the pictures!